Shiang Yang Academy was a garrison hospital for Japanese soldiers after Sino-Japanese War in 1895. It was used for health recovery by ill soldiers. Medical care was not the main

purpose for this hospital, natural resource of hot spring was aimed for. In addition to receiving medical treatment, the patients also can get healed from hot spring bath.


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Puchi Temple


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Beitou Library



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Geo-thermal Valley


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Manufacturing of sulfuric acid.

Insecticides and pesticide.

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It was formed in the wake of volcanic eruption about 200-thousand years ago.

As it was full of mist all year round, it was thought to be a superstitious place where a witch dwelled in. People were afraid of getting close to it.

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Brief Information on Hot spring and culture of Beitou

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Today, 2017.3.6., I received a special treatment from all the members, bearing the title of

Honorable Leader of ETGBC. However, there was price I paid.


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Masa召集之前完全沒聽過, 只上you-tube看了方念華的看板人物介紹, 粗淺的了解了一下, 和同學Shirley, Sherry, Robert, John, Shell跟著Masa去之後成了粉絲, 一直在you-tube追逐所有去過遊客拍的大同小異影片, 再三回味。

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