Beitou Library


The original building was found as a building made from sea-sand in 2001. It was reconstructed and reopened in Nov 2006 with expense about US$3.75 millions.


The total size is about 2,150m2.

Construction materials: Mainly steel and wood, avoiding usage of RC.

We describe it as Green Library: Comfortable, energy-saving & healthy.

Green building: It is like a library in forest. A green building means it covers Ecology, Energy-saving, Waste reduction & Health.


The building has good effect of sunshine, air and water; they are three important elements for life.

Sloped roof can save rain-water for re-use.

Solar panels and slope grassy roof can work as isolators keeping the building warm in winter and cool in summer.

French windows let light come in library abundantly.

There are buckets which can keep about 340tons water, equal to water consumption of 26,000 times for toilet flushing in the library.

Solar electricity can save 10% of power consumption, save electricity bill about NT$40,000 per year.


No antiseptic treatment is applied to the construction materials, no toxic air. The wooden materials create good air for health.

The building was designed to have automatic air ventilation.

Even the tiles used in the building, they were made by recycling the old bricks and tiles of the origin.


Alongside the building, there is a wooden walkway to keep the ground breathable.

A monitor was hung on wall to show the real time status of power production, power consumption and air quality (showing carbon dioxide index).


All book shelves are 110cm high. The view is wide and far. People also can read outside the building, at veranda (balcony), an excellent place for reading enjoyment.


It is a building designed to be comfortable, energy-saving and healthy. It was awarded with diamond grade of architecture in 2007 in Taiwan.

    Green Building
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